How do I make a payment?
Fees are to be paid by check to Deana Barone or through Zelle to [email protected].
What are your rates for General Education (K-12) tutoring?
K-5th grade, all subjects, & study habits: One hour minimum, rates vary between $200-$300 per hour with Deana Barone, depending on time of day, and internet vs. in-person. For lower rates, please contact Deana for referrals to affiliated tutors.
6th-9th grade, all subjects, & study habits: 1.5 hour minimum, rates vary between $250-$300 an hour, depending on depending on time of day, and internet vs. in-person. Referrals for Spanish and German available.
9th-12th grade, study habits & all subjects except Chemistry, Physics and Calculus: 1.5 hour minimum, rates $300 an hour depending depending on time of day, and internet vs. in-person. Referrals for languages, Chemistry, Physics and Calculus available.
A 24-hour advance notice is requested for cancellation; a one hour fee will be charged for late cancellations.
How does College Essay and Application tutoring work?
College essay and application sessions are two hours long, and depending on what needs to be done, hours vary. Rates are $300 an hour online or in person at Deana’s place of business, and $350 if Deana travels. Deana uses her own college application handbook to help students find what truly moves them so that their essays reflect their authentic voices and selves.
What about help with college classes?
Deana can help with brainstorming, outlining and editing college papers, and with many other classes. Contact her to find out if she can assist you. Rates are $2000 an hour online and range up to $250 if she has to travel.
How does website and email editing work?
Deana has worked with many small businesses in developing their mission statements and the “voice” of their websites. She also has edited a number of sites that were already published and running. She’s edited and helped write emails, letters and texts for a Russian CEO and other business people for whom English is not a first language. Please contact her for rates.
How does script and performance coaching work?
Deana also teaches and coaches storytelling, writing, acting, and develops and edits scripts. Check out her performance and coaching/writing websites. Please contact her for rates.
How do I know if Deana is a good match for me or my child?
We will first have a conversation by phone in which I will ask you a number of questions regarding academics, personality, learning style, and what it is you are seeking. This phone call will allow us to get a sense of each other and our personal styles. I always view the first two sessions with a client as a test-run for personality meshing. As of yet, I have never received a request for a referral, but I do have those if we are not the right match.